Personal Data Protection Policy


The following privacy policy has been developed in accordance with the principles of legality, fairness and transparency included in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It will be reviewed periodically for improvement and expansion if necessary.


In compliance with the provisions of European and Spanish regulations on data protection, below we provide information regarding the use of your personal data as a user of this website and, where appropriate, follower of our profiles in different social media.

Who is responsible for personal data processing of users on this website?

C/ Luis Carmona, 5. LEON-ESPAÑA.

We inform you that VIVUNT PHARMA SL will treat the data provided through this website as  RESPONSIBLE PARTY  and the followers personal data in social media as CO-RESPONSIBLE PARTY  in the respective Social Media. In accordance with the provisions of the European Personal Data Protection Act, we guarantee the protection, confidentiality and security of personal data.

What personal data will VIVUNT PHARMA SL process and what is the obligation to provide them?

Following the principles of data minimization, proportionality and privacy by default, we will only request the data necessary to carry out the purpose
for which it was collected, so we will only request data that is proportional and not excessive.

If you wish to make an inquiry or request information through the contact form, we will process your identification data (name, surname, e-mail address, province).
The refusal by the web visitor to provide their data in this form or the provision of incorrect data, will prevent us from responding to your request, notwithstanding that you can freely view the website content.

During navigation we will collect your IP or device ID.

As regards our fan pages on different social media, we will follow the  same criteria, processing only the data limited to the specific purpose for which they are collected.
We would also like to point out that the follower must have reached the minimum age of 14  years old in order to be able to use social media. This company has an open profile on LinkedIn and Youtube. In the sections  “Legitimacy and Purpose” of this policy, you can find more information  about the use of your data in RRSS.

Login and web browsing may collect online identifiers, so please refer to our cookies policy.

Likewise, we inform you that in case you send us your curriculum vitae through this website, you must only include personal information related to your qualifications and professional experience; therefore, if you include any information related to aspects of your personality, level of  disability, etc. we will proceed to its immediate destruction following the corresponding security measures for such destruction; therefore,

your application will not be taken into consideration in the selection processes carried out in the company.

For what purposes will we process your personal data?

VIVUNT PHARMA SL informs visitors to this website that their data will be processed for the following purposes:

  1.  Management of inquiries made through the web. We will carry out the necessary data processing in order to respond to your request for information, communications, queries and legal compliance.
  2.  Management of user navigation through the website (cookies data processing) your data will be processed in accordance with the cookie policy available on this page and the purposes specified therein.    You can consult this policy here.           
  3.  Manage your subscription to our newsletter/blog. Provided that we have your express authorization, we will manage your data to process your subscriptions to our newsletters
  4. Curriculum vitae management and recruitment. If you send us your curriculum vitae, we will process the data contained therein in order to evaluate your application according to the job vacancy.
  5. Social media. We will carry out the necessary data processing to disseminate information about the activities and projects developed by the Entity.
  6. Website IT control   . We will monitor the use of the website to prevent and detect any improper use. 
  7. Maintaining relationships between the parties. We will carry out the necessary data processing to maintain the relationship with web users or health  professionals.

How do we treat your personal data?

The legal basis of lawfulness or legitimacy of personal data processing of visitors to this website may be one or more of the following:

  • Legitimate interest in publicizing our activity through this website and offering our products/services to potential interested parties.
  • Data processing in Social Media is legitimized by the consent given by following our fan page, by which you authorize us to process your data as social media Co-responsible Party.  
    If you do not wish to consent to your data processing, you must refrain from following our fan page; therefore, you are free to decide and consent to the use and processing of your personal data. As regards your personal information publishing,  under no circumstances will VIVUNT PHARMA SL proceed to publish it without first obtaining your express consent to do so.
  • Contact forms:    The consent given by you for one or more specific purposes, by checking the appropriate box at the bottom.
    The forms used by this website have an acceptance checkbox. If the user does not use it, they will not be able to send their personal information. 
  • The lawful interest in conducting, for example, satisfaction surveys, aimed at assessing the quality or services offered by this entity, or sending information  related to them.    
  • The execution of a contract or application of pre-contractual measures, if you become a customer or potential customer of our entity (Article 6.1.b of the GDPR) through the options available on this website, as well as compliance with legal obligations required to VIVUNT PHARMA SL (Article 6.1.c GDPR).  
  • Your express consent, in the case of publication of photographs, testimonials or your personal image.   

In cases where the processing of personal data is legitimized by the user’s consent, the user is informed that they can withdraw consent given for the processing of  their data from the moment of its introduction and at any other time thereafter, by contacting, which will not have any retroactive effect. 

Will we send you commercial communications?

Only if we have your express consent, we will send you communications related to our activities, through postal mail and electronically (e-mail, SMS) based on the         consent requested by the Entity and previously granted by the user. 

If we do not have your express consent, we will not send you such communications in any case.
We also inform you that if you have given your consent to receive such communications, you may withdraw it without retroactive effect, by contacting the postal address of the Entity that appears on this website and through the email

How long will we keep your data?

The personal data provided will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they are collected and to determine the possible responsibilities that  may arise from the purpose, in addition to the periods established in the regulations.

However, even if deletion is requested, they will be kept blocked for the time necessary, and their processing will be limited to only one of these cases: comply with legal/contractual obligations of any kind to which we are subject and/or during the legal periods provided for the prescription of any liabilities on our part and/or the exercise or defense of claims arising from the relationship maintained with the data owner.


For web forms our maximum retention period is 1 year.

To whom will we disclose your information?

Personal data will not be transferred or communicated to third parties, except in the cases necessary for the development, control and fulfillment of the purposes expressed, as well as in the cases provided for by law. However, your data may be communicated to our hosting and technology service providers.

Regarding the your personal data processing in different social media, we inform you that they can be transferred to other countries so we advise our followers to check the policies about the personal data processing on the social media in question.      
Through this link you can check if the potential recipient is adhered to the Data Privacy Framework system.:

Other international transfers: Data subject to international transfers will only be communicated to countries that have an Adequacy Decision by the European Commission. In the event of a transfer of data to a country that does not have an Adequacy Decision, Vivunt Pharma SL protects        such transfer in the Adequate Guarantees provided for in art. 46 of the GDPR as well as the exceptions provided for in art. 49 of the aforementioned legal text.


How did we obtain your data?

Personal data have been obtained through the contact form provided on this website or through browsing.

What are your data protection rights?

Data protection regulations allow you to exercise the rights of access, rectification, opposition, portability, erasure (“right to be forgotten”), limitation of  processing before the data controller and not to be subject to individualized decisions, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation( GDPR”) and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee  of digital rights. 

(LOPD-GDD).     To do so, you can contact the e-mail address of the Responsible person You also have the right to file a complaint to the Spanish      Agency for Data Protection if you consider that your rights have been violated as regards data protection.

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